Nobel price physics 2022

1 Nicolaas Vroom Nobel price physics 2022 Monday 10 October 2022
2 Austin Fearnley Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Thursday 13 October 2022
3 Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Sunday 16 October 2022
4 ju...@diegidio.nam Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Monday 17 October 2022
5 Tom Roberts Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Monday 17 October 2022
6 Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Monday 17 October 2022
7 Austin Fearnley Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Tuesday 18 October 2022
8 Stefan Ram Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Tuesday 18 October 2022
9 Nicolaas Vroom Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Friday 21 October 2022
10 Sylvia Else Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Monday 24 October 2022
11 Nicolaas Vroom Re :Nobel price physics 2022 Tuesday 25 October 2022

Nobel price physics 2022
0 posts by 1 author
keywords = entanglement
64 weergaven

1 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Monday 10 October 2022

For background information about this price read this document: (1) One of the best documents, mentioned in this document, is the document (2) by Carl Alvin Kocher in 1967. This brilliant Ph. D. Thesis clearly explains the reaction involved how to produce entangled photons. What this document indirect shows, is that to demonstrate polarization correlation, no thought experiment can be used. This document states: "A measurement made on one particle can affect the result of a subsequent measurement on another particle of the same system, even though the particles may be non-interacting and separated in space."
The question is if that is correct.
The point is, first you have to establish this correlation by performing 1000 experiments on both particles. The result will be that this reaction produces 'always' 2 correlated photons. That does not mean that the measurement of one affects the other. It is the specific reaction which causes this correlation.

In document (1) at page 5 is written: "Schroedinger's cat is bizarre". My first remark is that you can't do this experiment as a thought experiment, but besides that you should try to perform this experiment as simple as possible. This is a description:
Take a wooden box and place a cat, alive, in that box. Close the box. After 5 minutes you open the box, and observe the state of the cat. But before you open the box, the experimenter declares that the cat is both alive and dead. It is not clear what he means. Because the state of the cat is determined by the physical condition of the cat and how long the cat is in the box. But not by any human involvement. You can repeat this experiment 1000 times and observe the state of the cat after 5 minutes, (or any duration) but always is the cat either alive or dead. You can also replace the wooden box by box made from glass, but that makes no difference for the final outcome. The only difference is when the cat dies, you can establish the moment when this happens. You can also make what happens inside the box more complex, but that does not make any difference; you can't claim that the cat is in two states simultaneous. It also does not make sense to claim, that Schroedinger's cat would be alive in one world and dead in another. See page 3. Such a statement can't be tested by means of any experiment.

Nicolaas Vroom

2 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Austin Fearnley
Datum: Thursday 13 October 2022
On Monday, October 10, 2022 at 6:20:43 PM UTC+1, nicolaa... wrote: [[Mod. note -- 40 excessively-quoted lines snipped here. -- jt]]

I am an amateur physicist, just at the point of calling it a day. I have a few days ago put online my final physics paper: on preons and Bell's experiment. So I hope you allow this post as a swan song.

Of course the experimentalists have worked well for their prizes. But the theoreticians still have work to do on this topic.

In the late 1960s I read a book about quantum particles on the magical world of Mr Tomkins. It was very exciting at the time but I now believe it is very wrong physics. Particle entanglement of states is merely a sign that calculations and observations cannot separate two items of raw data, instead only the average is available. The raw data are not available for entanglement, only the statistical, average value data are available. Forget dead/alive cats as that is a distraction (and a waste of time). Consider particles entangled with one another and with unknown spin states. The most believable assumption in my opinion is that nothing travels faster than light. Associated with this assumption is that retrocausality is the key to this problem.

The implication of retrocausality is that quantum computers have no foundation in physics as particle always have local hidden variables. Also that time is two-way at the microscopic level. It is possible that quantum cryptography is supported by retrocausality as there is an apparent action at a distance despite nothing physically travelling faster than light locally.

Austin Fearnley

3 Nobel price physics 2022

Datum: Sunday 16 October 2022
On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 2:59:07 PM UTC-5, Austin Fearnley wrote:
> ... ...The most believable assumption in my opinion is that nothing travels faster than light. Associated with this assumption is that retrocausality is the key to this problem.

The implication of retrocausality is that quantum computers have no foundation in physics as particle always have local hidden variables. Also that time is two-way at the microscopic level. It is possible that quantum cryptography is supported by retrocausality as there is an apparent action at a distance despite nothing physically travelling faster than light locally.

Austin Fearnley


I think I am in general agreement with you. If you assume no communication of any kind faster than the speed of light then "retrocausality" or "superdeterminism" are the natural conclusions. If, on the other hand you accept faster than light coordination between two distant detection events you necessarily have an ambiguous causality sequence, which I don't like.

It appears to me that while there are a significant number of physicists that accept, or are willing to consider, retrocausality, it is still not a mainstream concept among physicists. I think the hesitation is related to the idea of free will and the ability to determine your own future. Unfortunately this is probably on the boarder of proper science since it may be untestable and unfalsifiable. I would be very interested in an idea for testing these ideas experimentally in a more transparent way than the entanglement experiments.

Rich L.

4 Nobel price physics 2022

From: ju...@diegidio.nam
Datum: Monday 17 October 2022
On Monday, 10 October 2022 at 19:20:43 UTC+2, wrote:
> But before you open the box, the experimenter declares that the cat is both alive and dead. It is not clear what he means.

That is not what "the experimenter declares", that is rather the gist of Schroedinger's paradox, that *the theory* says the cat *is in a superposition of states*, and what the "paradoxical" consequences of taking the theory at face value, i.e. for serious, may be.

So, it is not clear what *the theory* means: which, as I have been explaining in another recent thread, overall is a question and an issue of ontology...


5 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Tom Roberts
Datum: Monday 17 October 2022
On 10/16/22 7:09 AM, Richard Livingston wrote:
> On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 2:59:07 PM UTC-5, Austin Fearnley wrote:
>> [...]

You are both overthinking this.

Consider a generic experiment on quantum entanglement: Two particles are created at event A in an entangled state, they are separated and transported to events B and C, where their individual properties are measured; B and C are spacelike-separated events.

It is observed that: a) one cannot predict the outcome of either measurement b) when the results of the two measurements are brought together and compared, they are found to have the same correlation as when the particles remain at A and are measured there simultaneously.

Why would anyone think "retrocausality" is involved here? The path of causality is quite clear: from A to B and independently from A to C -- there is no causal link between B and C. The fact that the particles at B and C have a property that is correlated is curious, and violates classical notions of locality, but is not any sort of refutation of causality.

The source of this confusion is clear: thinking these are "individual properties", when in fact such ENTANGLED properties are not individual to the two particles.

Tom Roberts

6 Nobel price physics 2022

Datum: Monday 17 October 2022
On Monday, October 17, 2022 at 2:10:38 AM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:
> On 10/16/22 7:09 AM, Richard Livingston wrote:
> > On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 2:59:07 PM UTC-5, Austin Fearnley wrote:
> >> [...]

You are both overthinking this. ... The source of this confusion is clear: thinking these are "individual properties", when in fact such ENTANGLED properties are not individual to the two particles.

Tom Roberts

I disagree, I believe there is something to understand about how these correlations are maintained over such space-time separations.

I believe the point of view of QM is that the two "entangled" particles are in effect a single thing. Certainly the math treats it that way. Suskind et al. have speculated that the two particles are connected by a wormhole, and thus they are able to coordinate their behaviors over spatially separated space-time distances. I'm skeptical of this idea for several reasons: 1) wormholes have never been observed, 2) wormholes are a speculated GR effect and it isn't clear to me that photons can have the energy density to warp space-time as required, and 3) it treats photons as localized particles, which I think is a big misconception.

But I don't know, nobody does yet.

The reason I think there is something to understand here is that the coordination of results is clearly not a local effect. The state of the detectors have been changed randomly and rapidly in some experiments and still the required correlations observed. Some how the correlations were preserved even when the detection conditions changed after emission. This requires either that the detection events coordinated their response (at faster than the speed of light) or that the detection events somehow affected the properties of the emitted photons (i.e. retro-causality).

These ideas are controversial because they are so counter to our everyday experience. Just saying that the correlations happen is ignoring the question of how they happen. While it appears that many physicists choose to not question the mysteries of QM, I think that is ignoring the possibility of discovering new physics. It might be like saying Newtonian gravity is the final law and ignoring the small unexplained precision of Mercury. We should ALWAYS wonder if there is another layer to be discovered.

Rich L.

7 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Austin Fearnley
Datum: Tuesday 18 October 2022
On Monday, October 17, 2022 at 4:20:30 PM UTC+1, richali... wrote: ... Richard wrote: " .... I think the hesitation is related to the idea of free will and the ability to determine your own future. Unfortunately this is probably on the border of proper science since it may be untestable and unfalsifiable. I would be very interested in an idea for testing these ideas experimentally in a more transparent way than the entanglement experiments. "

I have no ideas about how to introduce free will into a framework of deterministic calculations that the universe appears to need. Chaos can be introduced into calculations using non linear equations but chaos is not free will? One would need guided-by-free-will use of non-linear equations. Anyway, I am hanging up my Physics hat and at 73 years of age feel that I am now too old to work hard enough on physics.

You mention testing. I have obviously thought, but without success, about how to test whether antiparticles are travelling backwards in time. For an antiparticle, under my assumption, the polarisation vector changes from a random vector to vector d or -d (= detector setting vector) at measurement, in the antiparticle's own, reversed time direction. This appears to be a change from vector d or -d to a random polarisation in the forward time direction. Adding extra test measurements before or after the main measurement would always seem to me to interfere too much and ruin the test.

I am glad you responded to Tom as I could not have responded so well.

Tom: "The fact that the particles at B and C have a property that is correlated is curious"

Alice: curiouser and curiouser Bob: seems darned well spooky to me

My own speculation about Susskind's wormhole connection is that particles are in dS while antiparticles are in AdS. This is complicated in my preon model where each and every particle has both forwards and backwards-in-time preons within it. Entanglement (of particle and antiparticle) is probably involved in construction of spacetime metrics as the metric forms in the zone where both dS and AdS meet which has minimal curvature. But that speculation is probably rubbish. Although most particles are matter, they overall have an equal number of (my) preons and antipreons within them. So the loss of antimatter is caused by spontaneous symmetry breaking in forming elementary particles from preons.

8 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Stefan Ram
Datum: Tuesday 18 October 2022
Austin Fearnley writes:
> I have no ideas about how to introduce free will into a

What do you mean by "free will"?

9 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Friday 21 October 2022
Op maandag 17 oktober 2022 om 09:10:38 UTC+2 schreef Tom Roberts:

> Consider a generic experiment on quantum entanglement: Two particles are created at event A in an entangled state, they are separated and transported to events B and C, where their individual properties are measured; B and C are spacelike-separated events.

What I understand is that you perform an experiment which involves entangeled particles in two ways: (See by Carl Alvin Kocher in 1967. This thesis explains the reaction involved how to produce entangled photons.) First local. The two particles are created as event A and local measured as event A1 and A2. Both particles are correlated in the sense when event A1 indicates up, event A2 indicates down. Secondly more global. The two particles are created as event A and measured at a certain distance as event B and C. Both particles are correlated in the sense when event B indicates up, event C indicates down.

> It is observed that: b) when the results of the two measurements are brought together and compared, they are found to have the same correlation as when the particles remain at A and are measured there simultaneously.
In short there is no difference if the particles are measured at a distance of 1m or 100m

> Why would anyone think "retrocausality" is involved here? The path of causality is quite clear: from A to B and independently from A to C -- there is no causal link between B and C.
The cause of the the correlation is in the process at A. That is all what is important.

> The fact that the particles at B and C have a property that is correlated is curious, and violates classical notions of locality, but is not any sort of refutation of causality.
To mention the concepts locality and causality is not relevent.

> The source of this confusion is clear: thinking these are "individual properties", when in fact such ENTANGLED properties are not individual to the two particles.
The only thing that is important that both particles, in this special case, have a spin, and that the spins are correlated. The word property is misleading. It is also important to understand that as a result of this specific reaction, it is not required to perform any measurement to assume that the two particles are correlated. Based on this concept, when any particle is measured the spin of the other particle is known. No physical process, or action, or link is involved.

Nicolaas Vroom

10 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Sylvia Else
Datum: Monday 24 October 2022
You've assumed that the only situations of interest are the cases where the measurement of spin are in the same axis or perpendicular axes. The results of such measurements can be explained by a simple hidden variable model.

However, once measurements are made on axes at other angles to each other, the correlations are no longer explainable that way, and locality is brought into question.


11 Nobel price physics 2022

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Tuesday 25 October 2022
Op maandag 17 oktober 2022 om 17:20:30 UTC+2 schreef
> I disagree, I believe there is something to understand about how these correlations are maintained over such space-time separations.
These correlations are not maintained. There is also something what is called decoherence

> I believe the point of view of QM is that the two "entangled" particles are in effect a single thing.
That can never be part of the QM, because the concept 'a single thing' is not clear.
> Certainly, the math treats it that way.
Mathematics can consider the two particles as correlated, but that does not explain any physical interpretation.
> Suskind et al. have speculated that the two particles are connected by a wormhole, and thus they are able to coordinate their behaviours over spatially separated space-time distances.
Suskind could have introduced a new concept: wormhole. But that by itself creates only a new problem i.e., what is a wormhole?

> I'm sceptical of this idea for several reasons:

> The reason I think there is something to understand here is that the coordination of results is clearly not a local effect.
The cause of the correlations is a local effect.

> These ideas are controversial because they are so counter to our everyday experience. Just saying that the correlations happen is ignoring the question of how they happen.
Read this document: by Carl Alvin Kocher in 1967. What this reaction does: it creates two photons which are correlated. This raises certain philosophical thoughts. Suppose that nobody knows that the two particles are correlated. 1)Suppose that the experiment is performed for the first time and that one photon is observed. 2)Suppose that the experiment for a second time is performed and that it is observed that not one but two photons are created and observed. 3) suppose that the experiment is performed for a third (and fourth) time and now it is established that the two photons are correlated. The question is now: when any photon is measured, does that measurement influence the measurement of the other photon? Suppose in case 2 the experiment is surrounded by a sphere of CCD's. In that case in each experiment two of these CCD's will be triggered. I doubt if any of these two events will influence the other one. IMO there exist no physical link.

In case 3 the measurement equipment is more complex to establish the correlation between the photons. That means you both have to measure the fact that there are photons involved and the direction of the spin in either the x, y or z direction. Also, in this case there is no reason to assume that the measurement of the spin-direction of one photon influences the spin-direction of the other photon.

Suppose, (1) based on multiple experiments, that the direction of the two photons created is always in one line, but in opposite directions. Do you think, that (2) when a mirror is placed in one path and the photon will be reflected, that (3) the direction, of an other photon (without a mirror) also will be 'reflected'. IMO the answer is No.

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